Can you imagine that if digital information is integrated into the physical world and its objects, it will make the whole world your computer? Well, that is precisely what Sixth Sense Technology does. By simple hand gestures, it can turn any surface into a touch screen for computing. Augmented reality has set in motion the next tech revolution with the supercharging of human cognition and senses.
The most crucial information that can help us make the right decision is usually impossible with our five senses. We also need to accept that though the miniaturization of computing devices makes it handy to carry computers, there is no link between our digital devices and our interactions with the physical world. Sixth Sense bridges this gap. It brings digital information, which is intangible by nature, out into the tangible world, allowing interaction with this information via natural hand gestures.
A collaboration of multiple people in AR, sharing sight, hearing, sense, and information, not commonly available in real life, achieves a much higher interpersonal connection. This interconnection taps into the experience and creativity of others. In the working environment, AR remote participation delivers dramatic increases in assisting to get the work done and jointly solve problems. Users of wearable computers gain a new sense to act and the five traditional senses as spatial computing and digital information blend.
The sixth sense prototype is made using readily available and common equipment like a pocket projector, a mirror, mobile components, caps, and a camera. The connectivity between the projector and the camera is taken care of by Bluetooth. Natural hand gestures are used to interact with digital data. An on-mode wearable gestural interface, the Sixth Sense prototype augments the physical world around us with digital information.
The Sixth sense technology is aimed at interpreting human gestures with the help of mathematical algorithms. The gesture recognition technique focuses on emotion recognition from the face and hand gestures. Secondly, the gender recognition technique enables humans to interact with computers without using any external interfacing devices. Neural network approaches or statistical templates are commonly used for recognition purposes.
The sixth sense of recognizing the objects around us displays the information relating to those objects in a real-time environment compared to the text and graphic-based user interface. This technology is a more efficient way of interacting through hand gestures. The prototypes of Sixth Sense devices have demonstrated visibility, usefulness, and flexibility.
It can be safely said that the imagination of human beings only limits the extent of use of this device. Data Direct can assist your business in terms of IT outsourcing and augmentation. We bring you the latest in technology to enhance your growth.